February 9, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Beware of phantom job offers!

Beware of phantom job offers!

For job seekers, these offers are a waste of time and energy. (Photo: Kristin Hume for Unsplash)

Cursed job! Oliver Schmouker's segment to answer your most juicy questions [et les plus pertinentes] About the modern business world… and, of course, its flaws. Appointment to read Tuesdays And yet Thursdays. Do you want to participate? Send us your question to [email protected]

Q. – “I applied online for a job I wanted, but I didn't get any response. Shortly after the ad disappeared, I said they had found a rare gem. But two days later, the same job posting reappeared online! Do I need to rework my CV and cover letter to reapply? – Leo

A. – Dear Leo, It's hard for me to categorize the offer you're talking about, but it's likely a phantom job offer. Therefore, if you ever apply again you are wasting your time. Description

Ghost job offers are unique in that they look like real job offers, but in no way provide access to a job because it does not exist; They have no substance like the devil. The offer is bogus.

What is the boss doing such a thing, you ask? Especially when he pays more for his offer to post online through job websites. Well, it can achieve various goals:

– For example, an employer may try to create a talent pool that he can actually dig into the day a position opens.

– He may also try to give the impression that his company is growing as it appears to be in hiring mode. The idea may be to insure investors or even existing employees.

– He may still try to put pressure on existing employees by telling them that he is willing to replace those who are not giving their 110%.

– Finally, it could be an administrative error, the HR member accidentally renewed the job offer. (You're welcome, it seems to happen more often than you might expect.)

According to data from CV Genius, an American website specializing in CV creation assistance and job search advice, 4 online job offers correspond to a phantom job. Yes, you read that right: 1 in 4!

That's not all. CV Genius' 2024 Hiring Trends study found that 8 out of 10 hiring managers in the United States have used ghost job offers in the past. Yes, 80% are recruiters.

Now, how can you tell the real from the fake in many job offers online? The CV Genius team has three tips on this:

1. Check the publication date

In order for the employer to achieve his goal with his phantom job offer, the ad usually needs to be online for a long time. As much time as possible.

Therefore, if an offer is posted for a month or more, chances are high that it could turn out to be a bogus offer. So when searching for jobs online, it's a good idea to filter ads by publication date.

2. Look for a job offer elsewhere

A good reflex is to check if the job offer appears on websites other than the one you found it on, especially on the employer's website or on their social media. If it doesn't, it's probably a sign that the employer isn't really trying to recruit and therefore the offer is bogus.

However, be careful to consider the fact that some employers don't have a website or social media strategy worthy of the name. So this advice is not infallible.

3. Contact HR directly

The surest way to make sure the offer isn't bogus is to call the owner about an ad you saw online. Especially if the HR member is not the person responsible for recruitment.

If someone responds to you, take the opportunity to ask them some relevant questions. This will strengthen your application. On the other hand, if you notice that things are changing over the phone, move on to another job offer without delay.

There you go, Leo. I hope these few tips will help you avoid wasting too much time with fake offers in the future.

By the way, American writer Ambrose Bierce said in his “Devil's Dictionary”: “Ghost. A clear outward sign of inner fear.