October 3, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Censorship in Quebec universities worries Franకోois Legalt

Censorship in Quebec universities worries Franకోois Legalt

Afraid to see “few radical activists” trying to censor certain words or writings in universities, PM Franకోois Legalt He said his government was addressing the issue to protect freedom of education.

In a text published on his Facebook page Saturday morning, Mr Legalt believes the situation is “going too far” and that it is “getting out of hand”.

“Freedom of expression is one of the pillars of our democracy. If we start compromising on this, we will see the same censorship in our media, in our political debates. We do not want to say anything more,” he wrote.

The Quebec Premier claimed to have asked professors to erase the authors’ writings and that a lecturer had been accused and harassed for using the words male and female. He recalled that activists who wanted to censor his reading instructions as he proposed a book written by Matthew Bock-Cote had experience in the fall.

“What is really worrying is that more and more people are afraid. They will have to self-censor for fear of being insulted and condemned in public,” Mr Legalt argued.

According to him, the problem started with the universities. “And I think I need to sort it out first. The Minister of Higher Education, Daniel McCann, is looking into this to work quickly with the university community,” said the elected coquist, who wants universities to be respected forums.

If he finds that words can be offensive, he should draw a line between censorship and hurt without sacrificing freedom of expression.

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