February 12, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Company vehicles | The environment minister runs on gasoline

Company vehicles |  The environment minister runs on gasoline

He admitted Wednesday morning that the Quebec environment minister and a man fighting climate change had a gasoline-based company vehicle.

Jean-Thomas Léveillé

Jean-Thomas Léveillé

Questioned during a press scrum in the National Assembly Disclosure of Tap A major part of the Quebec government’s public transport complex is made up of gasoline vehicles, with Benoit Charrett pointing out that he has had such a vehicle “for months”.

The minister, who introduced a bill the day before to provide a ban on the sale of new light gasoline vehicles, especially in 2035, said the plug-in hybrid vehicle had “a year, a year and a half, maybe” but it was removed from him due to mechanical problems, he explained.

“I was promised a hybrid in the coming weeks,” he said.

Minister Charett said he wanted the government vehicle complex to be made with zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) or hybrids, but said he had no authority over the issue, which was the responsibility of the Ministry of Public Safety.

I have no control over it, but the will is expressed.

Benoit Charrett, Minister of the Environment and Quebec Fight Against Climate Change

According to Benoit Chart, there is no “100% electric vehicle” in the Ministry of Public Safety’s vehicle catalog.

“You really have to ask Public Security how these vehicles were selected,” he said.

Earlier this week, the Department of Public Security said Tap “Any information on company vehicles may not be disclosed to minimize the impact of safety measures for individuals”.

When questioned again Wednesday, he did not answer questions Tap At the time of this writing.

Minister Chart emphasized the basic principle of the environment [qui consiste à] End objects of useful life before putting them in their place.

“When I restore the Navy, we will switch to more hybrid vehicles, if not electricity,” he speculated.

The opposite situation in Ottawa

Of the 33 “protocol vehicles” in the Quebec government, 24 are gasoline-based, seven hybrids and two plug-in hybrids, representing the document obtained by Law regarding access to documents containing public bodies and protection of personal information.

The document states that by adding “reserve” vehicles, the count will increase to 28 gasoline vehicles, 10 hybrids and five plug-in hybrids.

The image of the Quebec government vehicle ship is in stark contrast to the situation in Ottawa where gasoline vehicles have been banned for ministers and senior officials since 2018.

The Fleet Management Directive The federal government stipulates that company cars must be ZEVs or hybrid vehicles.

The current Fleet is made up of 25 hybrid vehicles, five plug-in hybrids, one electric and four gasoline, which were purchased before the order went into effect.

With Fanny Lévesque