January 18, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Heatwave holidays at school: “It's so absurd, I can't believe it”

Heatwave holidays at school: "It's so absurd, I can't believe it"

The idea of ​​implementing heatwave holidays in the school network, which the Minister of Education showed himself publicly, was not looked upon favorably by the show's collaborators. The Joust.

• Also Read: Extreme heat in schools: Drainville opens for heatwave holidays

• Also Read: Schools and climate change: Is the Quebec heatwave ripe for the holidays?

For Luc Lavoie, such a measure is simply not reasonable.

“Given the dilapidated condition of the schools, if the wall ever drips we can say: another day off! If this piece doesn't work: another day off! Stop, stop! It's so absurd, I can't believe it,” declared Jouster.

Elsie Lefebvre, for her part, suggested more flexibility on the part of schools not to leave students at home during heat waves.

“When there is extreme heat or heat waves, we can postpone exams – this is not the time to evaluate children – but not let them go to school… For a certain moment, it takes a structure for children. Maybe we need to change what we do: take them outside, to the park, to the swimming pool…” she suggests.

Amir Qadeer believes that this issue should be made a public health issue and competent authorities should be contacted.

“At some point, we have to live with the situation that comes before us. There are more heat waves during the times of the year when there are still classes,” asserts Jouster, who advocates an open approach to climate reality.

“We don't need any more heatwave holidays […] “I have an impression of blizzards,” he said.

To see the full exchange, watch the video above.