February 11, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Launch of the flu vaccine campaign

Launch of the flu vaccine campaign

With the official arrival of autumn, the return of cold weather and soon the first snowflake, CISSS du Boss-Saint-Laurent management announced its annual flu vaccine campaign across the entire territory.

It is now possible to make an appointment through the website: grippe.cisssbsl.com or by phone at 1-866-445-0601 Monday through Friday at 1-866-445-0601 at 8 and 20 p.m.

For MRC de la Matani, there will be a clinic at the By-des-Sables in the Gabriel-Raymond Community Center and finally at the Promenade du Saint-Laurent in the Salle des Chevaliers de Colombine. For MRC de la Matapedia, the Amqui Club receives clients at Rs 55 du Carrefour Sportif, Club des 50 Ons et Plus and, finally, at the Community Hall in Saybeck.

The CISSS Influenza Vaccine is free and is strongly recommended for the following clients: Pregnant women aged 75 and over, bothE And 3E During the trimester of pregnancy as well as children 6 months and older and adults living with chronic illnesses such as diabetes, weakened immune system, heart disease, lung disease or kidney disease.

Each fall season, 34,000 Boss-Saint-Laurent residents choose the flu vaccine. The health agency said at the same time that the flu vaccine would soon be available in territory CHSLDs and would continue until October 30. CISSS Teams 1 undertake a Residence Tour for Seniors (RPA) and Intermediate Resources (RI).Is Until November 15th.