July 26, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Lock-Beauport: $ 4.15 million palace for offender’s spouse

Lock-Beauport: $ 4.15 million palace for offender's spouse

The businessman’s spouse, who was convicted of theft in a tax fraud case, has just been arrested on a $ 4.15 million luxury house in Lock-Beauport.

“This is the most expensive house sold in Lock-Beauport […] And Quebec City is in the top 5 in the region, ”explains real estate broker Pierre-Olivier Ware on RE / MAX, whose team is responsible for selling the house.

According to the official documents contacted The Journal, The house was bought by the wife of Jean-Noel “Sarto” Lacroix, a businessman from Quebec who pleaded guilty to theft in a tax evasion story and has been living there for some time.

Located on the shores of Lock Beaufort on the Chemin du Tour-du-Lock, the residence has 26 rooms, eight bathrooms, seven garages and a 5,576-square-foot living space. Built in 2012, it sold in 2019 for $ 4.25 million.

It finally sold for a whopping $ 4.15 million on Friday.

Lacroix and his wife moved into a $ 600,000 home in Lock-Beauport just five months ago.

Illegal practices

Jean-Noel Lacroix’s name came into the news in 2006 before he and his company Flemider committed illicit practices in the life insurance business before Autoritas des Marchez financiers.

The company then went bankrupt.

He is also the Sales Manager for the G1 Tour, which offers packages to drive sports cars. The company went bankrupt in 2016 after a dispute with the law. And its roadmap does not stop there.

Not found

Newspaper Jean-Noel went to Lacroix’s last known addresses to get his comments.

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If it is not found, Newspaper Met a close family member who was away from Lacroix’s previous residence in Rue du Boise in Lock-Beauport. The latter refused to answer our questions.

Jean-Noel “Sarto” Lacroix is ​​back in the news this week InvoiceRegi du Batiment du Quebec has accused the owner of Argyres PMM of being a nominee for Mr. Lacroix.

  • 2006: Jean-Noel Lacroix and Flemidor, the heating company of which he is president, have pleaded guilty to a total of 40 illegal practices of a life insurance insurer before autoritas des Marches financiers. The company declared bankruptcy.
  • 2009: Jean-Noel Lacroix and Flemider have been charged with 120 counts of fraud under the Consumer Protection Act for fraudulent representation.
  • 2011 : Lacroix arrested for making threats against his sister. He will be acquitted, but links to bikers and organized crime will be exposed in court.
  • 2014: Jean-Noel Lacroix pleaded guilty to theft in a $ 900,000 tax fraud case. He was sentenced to 2 years less per day in the community and fined $ 30,000.
  • 2015: The Customer Protection Office has levied 28 charges on the G1 Tour for questionable practices, including as a Lacroix sales manager.
  • 2016: G1 Tour Company ordered Rave to pay $ 1.2 million to Quebec for unpaid contributions. A few months later, the company went bankrupt and its creditors demanded $ 3.4 million from it.
  • 2018: A survey of Tap Jean-Noel claims to establish a relationship between Lacroix and the company Decontamination Optimum, which claims to clean mold from homes in perfect condition. The company’s license was revoked by Reggie du Bottiment.
  • 2021: Régie du Batiment called the owner of the Armoires PMM and accused him of being a key figure in Jean-Noel Lacroix, who runs the company in the shadows.
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