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McConnell lashes out at Guardian and other media over Amy Connie Barrett scrutiny | Amy Connie Barrett

Top Republican Mitch McConnell Beaten The Senate Majority Leader at Wednesday reports on the background of Amy Connie Barrett in a tough religious group “poor [supreme court] The process of confirmation, the disrespect of the Constitution and the insult to millions of American believers ”.

One of McConnell’s goals Guardian report Barrett “lived in the home of one of the founders of the acclaimed People when she was a law student, raising new questions about the Supreme Court nominee’s involvement with the secret Christian faith group, which has been criticized for dominating its lives. The subjugation of women”.

Barrett is an Indiana Court of Appeals judge whose harsh Catholic views have caused concern among progressives, especially over the fate of Rowe Wade, who ruled in favor of abortion in the 1973 Supreme Court ruling.

It has been revealed recently that the attractive religious group People of Praise is there Scrubbed its website Barrett’s references.

McConnell wants to certify Barrett to replace the late Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg before the November 3 presidential election, beating the Conservatives 6-3 in favor of making key decisions on health care, abortion, gay rights and more.

Although Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee were infected with the coronavirus, as a result of Barrett’s introduction, Democrats had little power to stop the process. Saturday, September 26 at the White House.

The Guardian was not the only one to publish a story about Barrett on Tuesday. Appreciative people cite records that removed its website, The Washington Post said: “The 2010 Directory states that she holds the title of‘ Maid ’which is a leadership position for women in the community.

There are other outlets Wrong People of Praise reported that Canadian author Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel The Handmaid’s Tale was an inspiration to describe the society in which women are the property of the state and was adapted for the successful TV series.

The word “King Maid” appears dozens of times in the King James Bible, “McConnell said.” It fits the Virgin Mary. But now, as one liberal author put it in the title of an anti-religious novel in the 1980s, the press has suggested that one of the most intelligent and powerful women in the legal world is anti-woman. ”

The Post reports that a former member of the group holds the “maid” leadership position, despite being dominated by male leadership in the People of Praise.

As The Guardian reported in September, “Interviews Experts who have studied attractive Christian groups A review of the group’s own literature, along with acclaimed people, and former members of the group, reveals an organization that seems to dominate the daily lives of some members, including ‘heads’ or spiritual advisors – who make big life decisions, and who are expected to financially support each other.

“Married people – like Barrett – count their husbands as their ‘heads’ and expect all members to donate 5% of their income to the organization.”

Barrett said she would not allow her religious beliefs to influence the decisions she made on constitutional law.

McConnell told an important Republican talking point that President John F. Kennedy likened progressive anti-Catholic bigotry to a liberal hero: “Our coastal elites are disconnected from their country and see religious Americans as animals. Zoo. ”

Many Democrats have shown that McConnell was disconnected from the referendum, and when it came to the question of whether Barrett’s confirmation was close to the polls, the election was an unpopular move.

McConnell had the votes to succeed in another election year, regardless of his and other senior Republican statements in 2016, when he refused to even hold a trial for the moderate Merrick Garland, nominated by Barack Obama to replace the traditional Antonin Scalia.