January 15, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Ottawa has invested $ 2.2 million in the smart manufacturer

Ottawa has invested $ 2.2 million in the smart manufacturer

The federal government on Wednesday announced an investment of $ 2.2 million in the National Integrated Center of Intelligent Manufacturing (CNIMI), which will help Quebec manufacturers become smarter and increase their productivity and competitiveness internationally. The center is set to open in 2022 in Drummondville.

Antoine TrussartAntoine Trussart

“The [CNIMI] Serves as a technical demonstration. SMEs looking to invest in a smart manufacturer will be able to see what a smart factory looks like, ”explained Veronica Proulx, CEO of Manufacturers and Exporters du Quebec (MEQ).

CNIMI, first announced in 2019, is the result of a collaboration between the University of Quebec’s Drummondville Campus, Trois-Rivieres (UQTR) and Segep de Drummondville. Last October, the Quebec government announced a $ 19 million grant for its realization.

“Drummondville is truly a manufacturing hub in Quebec, and this new hub will serve to inspire entrepreneurs to see what the future factory will look like,” said Melanie Jolie, Federal Economic Development Minister.

Factory 4.0

One of CNIMI’s programs is the establishment of a model smart factory from which manufacturers can be inspired to achieve their transition towards the 4.0 manufacturer, also known as the Intelligent Manufacturer.

4.0 Factory connected factory. Each element of the product chain must communicate with all other elements and adapt to different conditions. This is a major technological leap for many Quebec manufacturing companies.

For the most part SMEs, we are not there yet. The manufacturing sector lags far behind in Canada and Quebec. Canada ranks second in smart manufacturing investment among OECD countries [Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques], Before Italy.

Veronica Proulx, CEO of Quebec Manufacturers and Exporters

Following these techniques will allow our SMEs to “play with older children”, according to Melanie Jolie.

Cinema serves as a training center for specialized employees who can manage these intelligent production lines.

“Training is an important factor in the success of the transformation of these organizations,” Mr. explained.To me Prolux. When we talk about digital transformation, we do not always have the skills inherent. If an entrepreneur does not know if he has the skills to carry out his project it will be a break for investment. ”

13 million for Quebec manufacturer

This week, the federal government announced just $ 13 million in interest-free loans to help Quebec manufacturing companies switch to smart manufacturing.

“What we want to do is help this sector to be globally competitive,” explains Melanie Jolie. To do this, we must help companies continue to take risk to change and improve their factories. ”

The 23 manufacturing companies that helped this week are located in 12 locations in the province.

“Such financial assistance will help us move forward,” commented Veronica Proulx. The projects that put them aside are the companies on the table. Such financial assistance can help increase productivity and competitiveness and prepare for renewal. ”