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Planned Parenthood Affiliates Get M 80M With Corona Virus Trigger Fund, Fets Says

Planned Parenthood Affiliates Get M 80M With Corona Virus Trigger Fund, Fets Says

Thirty-seven Planned Parenthood subsidiaries have applied for a total of $ 80 million in loans from the Check Protection Plan (PPP), Fox News’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight” learned – now the federal government wants to withdraw money ிருக்க Should be aware of the qualification.

Small Business Administration (SBA) approaches every Planned Parenthood affiliate involved, explaining that the mergers of large corporations with more than 500 employees are ineligible for PPP distributions, according to Fox News. The Planned Parenthood Association of America (PFA) alone has more than 600 employees.

For example, a Planned Parenthood affiliate in Metropolitan Washington (PPMW) receives a letter asking for a refund, even though it is self-certified that it is eligible for a $ 1,328,000 PPP loan under the SBA’s Merger Rules.

PBMW’s request for money from the Trump administration came just months after Vice President and CEO Laura Myers pledged to reject federal funding.

“Our patients never perrorhut important health information to stop the planned Trump-Benz would never permit the administration that” Myers said last August, making referrals to abortion clinics planned perrorhut White House blocked then they will continue to receive federal HIV Umpin the fund. At the time, he promised to drop federal funding altogether rather than comply with Planned Parenthood’s directive.

The SBA warned that beyond mandatory repayment, “severe penalties” are possible. Specifically, the false or improper eligibility certificates of PPP recipients may result in criminal or civil sanctions if borrowers knowingly make false statements as determined by the SBA, the SBA letter read.

The letter explained that PPFA affiliates are clearly under the PPF affiliate rules. “The PPLA’s bylaws, whose version is publicly available, reveal the need for the PPFA Board’s certification to become a PPFA affiliate,” the document continued. “Once certified,”[e]Subsidiaries shall be governed by written bylaws in accordance with PPFA policies. “

$ 7.5 million was allocated to Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino counties in California. A Planned Parenthood affiliate got the loan, but turned it down.

Sen serves as chairman of the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Marco Rubio, R-Pla., Called for an immediate hearing Tuesday evening.

“There is no ambiguity in the legislation passed or that companies like Planned Parenthood, which have half a billion dollars in its parent system, are not eligible for a check protection program,” Rubio said. “Those funds must be repaid immediately. Also, the SBA should open an inquiry into how these loans were made in clear violation of applicable merger rules, and if all of the appropriate parental, banks or employees at the SBA knowingly violated the law, all appropriate legal options must be followed. “

Last January, Planned Parenthood reported a large number of abortions and government funding for 2018-2019. At the same time, Planned Parenthood said abortion was only 4 percent of its services in 2018-2019, and federal funds did not go directly to abortions.

98 percent of PPP loans are less than $ 1 million; The program has an average loan of 8,000 118,000. Canceled or withdrawn funds may be used during future PPP rounds.

Republicans have vehemently opposed the efforts of some Democrats to push for abortion-related spending amid the epidemic. In March, the Daily Caller House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Announced that she was trying to include federal funding for abortion into the Corona virus trigger bill.

Pelosi, speaking to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, several senior White House officials, sought to raise $ 1 billion to “repay laboratory claims.”

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This could set a precedent for health-related spending without the protection of the Hyde Amendment, a compromise that would restrict federal funding for abortion in most cases.

“A new mandatory funding stream without Hyde protection would be unprecedented,” said a White House official. “In the guise of protecting the people, Speaker Pelosi is working to ensure that taxpayer dollars are spent on abortion – not just backwards, but against historical norms.”

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