June 2, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

See here who will win Star Academy 2022 according to the displaced candidates

See here who will win Star Academy 2022 according to the displaced candidates

Every Monday, weekly displaced educator visits us and we ask them to guess who will win Star Academy And, to this day, a clear trend is emerging.

If you follow us on Instagram, you’ve probably seen our capsules Sprinkle with tea When academics leave Waterloo Manor.

Of these, about their experience in the academy, who are the most confusing, ridiculous and so on are asked to reveal.

When asked who they think will win the Star Academy this year, everyone agrees on one candidate: Audrey-Lewis.

Also read: All about Star Academy’s talented young mother Audrey-Louise Busejor

Gayle, the first candidate to leave the academy, said: “We know very well who will win because she Fit Profile of the winning educator Audrey ”.

As for Yanick, “I’m still convinced she has everything she needs, she has a lot of experience, so I would say Audrey – Louise”.

Larry, the third to leave the adventure, leaned in the same direction: “Audrey-Lewis, no doubt, I think it’s clear, this girl will do anything to win the Star Academy and in my heart I want her to be the best.”

Recently, we asked Matthew a question and his answer was: “I will not hide it, I told everyone, Audrey-Louis is coming for the crown”.

Apparently a trend is emerging! However, last year, just weeks after the 2021 Cohort academics followed, the displaced candidates also leaned towards one candidate, Guillaume Lafand.

We all know he reached the men’s semi-finals, but William Cloutier reached the final and eventually won it all.

Joel Lemey / QMI Agency

In short, even though Audrey-Louis is very popular with her roommates in public and at the academy, it may still be too early to predict the end of this adventure!

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