January 25, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

The black man died while saying, ‘I can’t breathe.’

The black man died while saying, 'I can't breathe.'

A black man detained by Texas police, filmed by a reality television show, has been repeatedly teased and begged, “I can’t breathe.”

“I have congestive heart failure!” Newly released footage shows the 40-year-old Javier Ambler being ordered to turn his face to the ground after being chased for refusing to dim headlights.

Casping, a former postman, said, “I can’t breathe!” According to footage of the horrific arrests in Austin last March, it only came out this week.

“I am not opposed… Sir, I cannot breathe! please. He was accused of refusing to release the footage to investigators, as a group of A & E’s “Live BT” filmed the arrest.

“Save me,” Ambler pleaded, just before a teaser was used for the final time.

The death has been ruled a homicide – but no disciplinary action or charges have been filed. According to the Austin American-Statesman.

One officer admitted he was “sure I broke his finger” – with footage showing officers trying to manage CPR as they failed to find a pulse.

Deputies performed a four-minute CPR about 50 minutes before Ambler was pronounced dead at Austin Hospital, the doctor added. A death-row report said the US-statesman said he never attempted to attack the deputies or make any threats.

Javier Ambler
Javier AmblerFacebook

Ambler’s parents – a retired military veteran and hospital clerk – said until last week that their son had only died in police custody. The “Live Hold” footage was never aired.

Police footage and documents emerged only after media pressure from Austin American-Statesman and two KVUE-TV, They say.

Travis County District Attorney Margaret Moore told both media that she plans to present the case to a grand jury.

He alleges that Williamson County Sheriff Robert Soddy and the producers of “Live BT” have repeatedly tried to obtain evidence or interviews.

The TV crew may have had an impact on the tactics of the officers, and the DA said that it was. The officer who drove the ampler, Deputy J.J. Johnson – who is black – had a “live bt” group with him, as well as his first responder backup, Deputy Zachary Camden, white.

“Anyone in law enforcement is very concerned that the decision to engage in the chase was driven by the need to provide entertainment rather than to keep Williamson County citizens safe,” Moore told the outlets.

Ambler’s death was ruled a homicide, but there are no indications that deputies faced any action or were forced to take the time.

An autopsy showed that he had died of heart failure and obesity-related high blood pressure, according to both outlets.

Ambler’s mother, Maritza Ambler, told KVU-TV to be cautious when dealing with law enforcement. “I would refer it to him. To remind him, he is a minority,” he said. “Against you, there is your color.”

His father, Javier Ambler Sr., told the station he needed help with the stress caused by the death. “Dads should not bury their sons,” he said.