February 12, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

The editorial will give you the answer | When is the third dose for those vaccinated with estrogen?

Second dose of estrogen vaccine |  "We were a little surprised by the good response from the population"

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Nathalie Collard

Nathalie Collard

Q: Statistics show that the estrogen vaccine messenger is less effective than RNA vaccines. Do people who have been vaccinated with AstraZeneca have any plans to receive a third dose to increase their protection?

Iselise Poudrette

R: Before talking about a possible third dose, let’s look at the data about the vaccine effect. Is it correct to say that the estrogen (AZ) vaccine is less effective than the messenger RNA vaccine? Alain Lamare, Chair Professor of Gene and Jean-Louis LaVesque Research in Immunovirology at the National Institute for Scientific Research Underline Underlines, based on what statistics we are talking about. “If we take data on infections and diagnoses, that’s true,” he stressed. But it depends on when the test is performed. If immediately after vaccination, both types of vaccines are equally effective. Second, the efficacy of AZ declines faster than that of messenger RNA vaccine. The Delta variant is susceptible to infection — which currently represents the highest number of COVID-19 cases — with messenger RNA being 80-90% protected vaccines while the AZ vaccine protection rate is estimated to be 50-60%. But six months later, the effects of both vaccines are again the same against infections. In the case of an interval between two doses, extending the interval to 10 or 12 weeks is less effective than 8 weeks. ”

On the other hand, if we are talking about hospitalization and mortality prevention, both types of vaccines are just as effective.

Now let’s talk about the third dose. Currently, according to Alain Lamarre, only those who are not immune are eligible.

“For those who have been vaccinated with the AZ vaccine, that’s between the ages of about 45 and 65, the third dose question arises in February.

So let’s revisit: You are almost 80-90% protected from delta variant infection if you receive the Pfizer or Modernna vaccine, but you are 50-60% protected if you receive two doses of the AZ vaccine. We therefore recommend that you be vigilant, avoid direct contact with people who have not been vaccinated, wear a mask, and adhere to applicable health regulations.