January 7, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Toronto attacks Bill 21 but helps Islamists

Toronto attacks Bill 21 but helps Islamists

Let’s start with some good news. The Justice for Quebec organization (founded by me) has filed a lawsuit against Toronto seeking $ 100,000 in donations to groups challenging Bill 21. This gesture forced the city to retreat. The courts decided not to pay the money until the matter was settled. This is the first small success.

Secularism promotes racism in Brampton

Toronto is doing exactly the same as Brampton. Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown defended his decision by saying that Quebec secularism promotes racism in his city. John Tory, Mayor of Toronto, asked for his share of the defense of the Canadian Charter. A document filed in court states that Bill 21 will prevent those who wear religious symbols from participating in civilian life. Toronto “The city must welcome people of all faiths and assure residents and visitors that their freedom will be protected.”

His city will definitely host the Congress of the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) in July. The organization openly claims to be the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, a radicalized Muslim.

Veil or tomb

MAC exhibits multiple conferences, including one provided by Omar Abdelkafi. “A woman who leaves her hair untied in the eyes of everyone, has committed a grave sin worthy of burial and punishment on the Day of Judgment,” he had already said. According to him, the September 11 attacks and that Charlie Hebdo Conspiracies hatched by France and the United States to unjustly blame the terrorists who made them.

Abdelkafi also feels that Muslims should not shake hands with Christians or walk on the sidewalks like them. He also called for the killing of Jews. This led to the cancellation of the conference he was to hold in 2018 in Ontario. The person in question also made publicly gay comments.

These types of people are fascinated around the MAC. That did not stop Toronto from organizing charity events with the MAC. In 2019, Mayor Tory said, “This Muslim community plays a big role every day in every corner of our community to build a strong, caring and inclusive city.”

Toronto is not alone in loving the MAC. Ontario paid him $ 225,000 to create a video campaign against “Islamophobia” for schools. Justin Trudeau, who decided to challenge Bill 21 in court, paid the company $ 349,210.

This is where Canadian multiculturalism, the official ideology of our country, comes into play. On the one hand, we applaud and fund Islamist groups that invite hate speakers. On the other hand, because of Bill 21 the Cubans were accused of being racist and intolerant and they were dragged before the courts.