July 26, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Trump hardens the tone of the campaign after the virus combats the economy

A reporter questioned Trump and he told her to 'ask China'

Trump’s original slogan, “Make America Great Again Again.” sharp enough to wear a red baseball cap four years ago. He has been running in 2020 with a “Keep America Great” platform that puffs out his chest. But his new catchphrase, “we will turn to greatness” next year shows how he must now sell the promise of painful economic recovery – a case that has become more difficult after the management of an uncertain pandemic.

The president’s clear mission on Monday was to contain the impression that the White House was in disarray after the discovery of several Covid-19 cases in the West Wing. Trump stands behind the Stars and Stripes background and misleading signs that read, “America leads the world in testing.”

But the US does not do the most per capita coronavirus tests. Some countries do more tests than the US compared to their population, including Denmark, Italy, and New Zealand.

Fauci’s testimony

Perhaps not by coincidence, Trump’s press conference and announcement that the government will send $ 11 billion in adjusted funds to countries to increase testing comes a day before the top official contagious disease official, Dr. Anthony Fauci, will appear remotely in a senate assembly. Fauci did not shy away from revealing the truth about the quality of the testing efforts criticized by the government, and Democrats would pepper him with questions designed to attract destructive responses.

But not for the first time, the President trampled on his own message with a bad controversy involving races which also highlighted his frequent humiliation of women journalists.

He snapped at an Asian-American reporter who asked why he had turned a tragic moment into a global competition in testing.

“Maybe that’s the question you should ask China,” Trump told Weijia Jiang, a White House reporter for CBS News who was born in China but moved to the US at the age of 2. Jiang looked surprised by the President who seemed to be clarifying his race. background with Chinese. Trump then interrupted the event when another female correspondent, CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, who had been postponed to his colleague, tried to ask questions.

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Even before the unhappy moment, the Rose Garden program was already unreal, as reporters struggled to make their questions heard by muffling face masks as a result of the White House coronavirus outbreak, which graphically undermined Trump’s claim that the country was safe for opened.

An unemployment rate that could reach 20% in the coming months and leave to change to permanent layoffs in many fields will be a disaster for any President seeking a second term. Trump must face the burden in the midst of a pandemic that is still raging and face the possibility of a surge of infection that has been high caused by the opening of the initial country which he had pushed hard. Democrats will argue that Trump’s rejection and erratic leadership allowed the virus to take root and cause collapse, causing greater challenges for its electoral resilience.

Trump prides himself on testing, a practice he suggested recently last week that was not so important in controlling the virus, might also have been designed to dispel the impression that he and his helpers benefited from a contact tracking and testing system that he is not yet giving to all nation.

Trump’s reduced message expectations are only one touch of appearances that are not usually chained. In attacking China as a source of the virus, attacking former President Barack Obama, advertising his border walls, recalling the previously roaring economy and claiming to have saved tens of thousands of lives, the President offered a glimpse of a campaign strategy that seemed to be being renovated day by day.

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But he offered his opponents an opening when he said in his initial remarks that in every generation and challenge, America had risen to the task.

“We have met at this time and we won,” he said.

Trump later clarified that his intention was that the US had won the battle to increase testing – a difference that would not have stopped his comments appearing in campaign advertisements that would likely accuse him of being a “Mission Accomplished” moment.

Trump accuses Obama of “crimes”

Trump has defied every hope since when he took the golden escalator at Trump Tower in 2015 to launch the most extraordinary political career in modern history. It is still too early to write it off in November, not least because many Democrats live in fear of the scorched earth presidential campaign he will launch. And the President enjoys tremendous advantages in organizing in major countries and campaign funding over his rival, Democratic candidate, Joe Biden.

His mood on Monday showed how he would use every presidential lever to ensure his political survival.

While more people have died in the United States from Covid-19 than in other countries and several countries meet the White House guidelines on stemming infection so that it can be reopened safely, Trump declared his emergency management a famous victory.

“Thanks to the courage of our citizens and our aggressive strategy, hundreds of thousands of lives have been saved,” the President said.

“We will turn to greatness. That is a phrase that you will hear a lot, because that’s what will happen,” Trump said, predicting a strong third quarter, an excellent fourth quarter and then pent-up demand is released next year. “This is a transition to greatness. And greatness is next year,” he insisted.

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Trump also hinted at a new retreat strategy designed to arouse the enthusiasm of his base by accusing his predecessor of putting up an attempt to cancel his 2016 victory in what his supporters call the “internal plots”.

“Obamagate. It’s been a long time. It happened before I was even elected, and it’s a shame,” Trump said without proof. Asked by reporters to identify crime he accused Obama in a tweet do, he answers: “You know what crime is. Crime is clear to everyone.”
The conservative media machine pulsates with echoes from the decision of Attorney General William Barr last week to drop the charges against former national security adviser Trump Michael Flynn, who twice pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI in a case that arose from a Russian investigation.

Shortly after Trump spoke, the scope of the Republican electoral attack became clearer when Republican Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa suppressed conspiracy theories on the Senate floor.

“The rule of law is at risk if the federal government can get away with violating the Constitution to do what they do to Lieutenant General Flynn,” Grassley said. “Considering everything we know now about the false basis for investigation, it’s time we ask: What did Obama and Biden know and when did they find out?”

Arman Azad and Manu Raju from CNN contributed to this story.

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