September 15, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

USA Today reporter quits fake reporting

USA Today reporter quits fake reporting

She found sources and quotes: A journalist from the national American daily USA Today resigned and the newspaper on Thursday withdrew twenty articles expressing its “regret” and reiterating its editorial and ethical principles.

A press release published on its site said that USA Today launched an “audit on the work of reporter Gabriela Miranda” by one of its journalists after receiving a request to edit an article.

The Press Organ denied that the investigation had “revealed that certain individuals cited did not appear to be affiliated with the companies in which they were induced and appeared to be invented”.

USA Today also found that “quotes from other people cannot be verified independently and that some articles contain quotes attributed to others”.

As a result, the newspaper removed 23 articles from its site and other platforms because they “did not meet our editorial standards”.

USA Today promises to “do (its) best to be accurate and realistic in all (its) content” and says “we regret this situation”.

The newspaper pledged to “continue to strengthen our principles and processes for reporting and editing” by publishing some basic journalistic rules such as verifying information, sources and facts.

Headlines of objectionable documents also appeared on the site, and the journalist “resigned as reporter” for the USA Today network, owned by the Gannet Group, the number one local press in the newspaper and the United States.

Ganet was acquired by another American media group, New Media Investment Group, in November 2019 for approximately $ 1.2 billion to produce more than 250 different publications.

Once thriving and very diverse, regional and local dailies in the United States suffered severe losses from a series of crises, particularly from the Kovid-19 epidemic.

In the 2010s, the robbery and phone cases splashed into prestigious newspapers such as the Washington Post and the New York Times, leading to the departure of objectionable journalists.

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