February 12, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

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“With Kovid, I thought I would never get out of it.”

Depuis 6 ans, Emile veille sur sa femme atteinte de la maladie d'Alzheimer.

Help a sick or disabled loved one to dress, wash, and eat … they More than 8 million in France To experience this situation on a daily basis: caregivers. Bernard, 82, is one of two two-severians. He has been seeing his wife with Alzheimer’s disease since 1976. But Since the onset of the health crisis, he has struggled to get his head out of the water. “Services are discontinued, for example home help, He explains. It forces me to manage everything at home, from the kitchen to the grocery store. I thought I wasn’t going to take it out. “

Caregivers have been wounded, tired, exhausted since this time – Alain Claes, President of France Alzheimer’s 86

He is not alone in this situation: According to Alain Claes, President of France Alzheimer’s 86, “There are guardians who have come out of this period _Wounded, tired, exhausted_. No matter how much the caregiver loves the patient, he cannot be in the front row 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.. “Sometimes the caregiver gets sick, or”The person disappears before helping“, He adds.

With Closing hospitals during the day and stopping visitsLoneliness has been a burden on caregivers for the past two years. “I’m more lonely, Emily recognizes that his wife also suffers from Alzheimer’s. I Away from family, away from friends“.”I was alone in this oscillation“, Adds Andre.

Deterioration in the health status of patients

There is also this loneliness Serious consequences for his wife’s health condition, Gradually loses its memory. “Kovid disease progresses, He worries, Since we had no activity, we did not meet anyone. Today she has very few benchmarks, she gives up small home activities.

Organized by the Alzheimer’s Association of France to alleviate the feeling of loneliness and provide relief to caregivers during these difficult times Will be for patients and their loved ones. Its Deux-Sèvres branch is currently in Britain, “Caregivers For a short walk along the coast, we take care of the patients, Refers to Henriet Felon, President. So caregivers can breathe. “