February 12, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Carolyn Neuron is making a comeback in business: “I feel like it put both feet on the ground”

Carolyn Neuron is making a comeback in business: "I feel like it put both feet on the ground"

Two years after her dream collapsed, businessman Caroline Neran has returned to serve at a new jewelry company.

In an exclusive interview with TVA Novels, she recalled the journey she made after her business went bankrupt.

Also read: “I’m much more independent than before” – Caroline Neron

“Actually it’s very heavy. I’m in deep time, I believe, I’ve lived so far,” she said.

According to Caroline Naron, many mistakes made by her and others around her caused her business to collapse.

“My biggest mistake was really surrendering, but blindly. I surrendered completely, but in a lazy way,” the businessman admitted.

His interest in creating or developing businesses in a way that harms other areas of entrepreneurship is one of the factors determining his business failure.

“I lost control of the cost. And I was told earlier, but I learned on the job. I started my business in three weeks and I think all of these successes can attract me to never stop,” she believes.

However, looking back, she believes the test was beneficial to her.

“I think it put both feet on the ground for me. I’m not the person I thought I was. Somewhere, honestly, I’m spending more of my money, but everywhere. At all levels,” the businessman said.

Caroline Neran allowed her to “clean up” her professional and personal life due to company bankruptcy.

“Cleaning is still very natural because when you fall, there are a lot of people leaving,” she says.

“It’s sad to say, but, it’s too heavy to bear, because you say to yourself: ‘Look at my friendships, the people I’m in business with, all these links I have are very strong’ ‘. The banks, however, fled overnight, but in a very vulgar, very difficult manner, ”she adds.

However, she is grateful to those who have been with her during her difficult times.

“Its beauty is that there’s definitely so much beauty left, because you’re perceiving those who are up to the end, those who are fighting in fear of not knowing what their next day will be,” said Caroline Naron.

Today, Caroline Neuron is back in the saddle with a new business partner.

“I see it completely differently. I still have big ambitions. Are they that big, or not,” she admitted.

The businessman wants a better quality of life this time around.

“And when I talk about quality of life, I don’t necessarily mean money, but I need time, I need something gen,” she says.

Caroline Neuron wants to grow with a small team of “10 or 12 max”.

“Right now, we’re moving slowly, but a lot of ideas, a lot of success and, most of all, a lot of luggage,” she says.

Watch the full video in the video above.