February 12, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

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The most popular brands in France

The most popular brands in France

The image of the brand with the public is an important factor that allows a company to retain its customers in the long run.

Gaining this capital of sympathy with the general public reduces the risk of finding themselves in the flames of serious criticism. The RAVE reviews evaluation site came forward voluntarily Guess the popularity of some brands. This survey identifies the most hated companies and the most popular brands.

Microsoft is one of the least popular companies

For this survey, there are rave reviews Centistrend was used. This research tool makes it possible to assess positive and negative emotions in social networks. The evaluation site removed the “hate rate” for a specific negative rate. This survey is clearly not representative of the mental state of the majority of people worldwide.

The unexpected quest is then revealed. Microsoft is one of the least popular companies In countries like the United States or Russia. This can be explained by the problems the company is facing in the face of American monopoly priority. For comparison, Facebook and Google Leads the most hated societies in more than twenty countries.

Nissan, Samsung and Amazon are the most preferred brands by the customers

In France, Samsung and Amazon are favorite brands Although Nissan mostly occupies the top of the basket. In the gaming sector, Ubisoft clearly does not occupy the first national position. He’s got a particularly high “hate rate” of 76%.

To conclude a more interesting note, the American magazine Forbes conducted a survey on the French population. The survey, conducted last August, focuses on the brands that are most appreciated by this population. This poll put Samsung and Amazon together In the first two positions. These two companies have surpassed leading companies like Apple and Disney.