February 13, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

CISSS unapproved memo of Monterogee-EST

CISSS unapproved memo of Monterogee-EST

(Quebec) CISSS de la Monterogie-Est must provide a doctor’s note for the absences of its employees, occurring “regularly” after an overtime shift or “compulsory overtime” (OST). A measure measured by the union when workers are at the end of their rope.

Funny Levesque

Funny Levesque

The source of this new “special measure” of “dazzling increase in last-minute absenteeism” was explained in a memo sent by the health agency to its employees on August 6. CISSS confirms that absences tripled from June to July.

Therefore, an employee who works an overtime or TSO shift and is absent from his scheduled regular shift must now provide “proof of absence” otherwise he will be paid from his sick hours bank, we say.

“Unauthorized Absence Code will be entered [au] Payment statement ”until the worker provides proof of his or her absence. The Montéréie-Est’s Healthcare Professionals Union filed a complaint Monday in response to the memo “to protect the rights” of its members.

“In times of epidemic, we agree to prioritize attraction and retention, this kind of memo is contrary to the goal,” union president Brigitte Petrie lamented in an email. The Union Note asks you to “withdraw” and withdraw from this practice.

Instead of listening to the fatigue and tiredness of health care professionals who give 200% and more, we squeeze more lemon. The owner said absenteeism has tripled since June, but, at the same time, the TSO exploded, so it was clearly connected. Chicken before the egg?

Brigitte Petrie, President of the Union of Health Care Professionals of Monterogy-Est

Shortage of labor

According to the union, companies need to modulate services based on the number of professionals in care “before manpower shortages and increased traffic to health”. Companies.

For that, CISSS stated that “the current context” and “the increase in absenteeism will increase the overload situation for teams at work”. In an email sent to Tap, The establishment must recall that “it must ensure that this situation is handled in all justice”.

Establishment “always works [les] It is also expected that the union representatives will find solutions to the challenges of the labor force.

The company said it was “concerned about growth” [des heures supplémentaires] And TSO “. If the absence is justified by the CISSS administrator, the employee will be paid for his absence.

“Serious” measure

According to Alain Barre, an associate professor in the Department of Industrial Relations at Laval University, when we were asked to examine the memo, this measure “appears to be relatively serious”, but only after overtime or TSO is provided.

“At some point, as a human being, he will be at the end of his strength. Are we going to fine him for that?” He asks himself.

What I understand from this situation is that very few employees can justify their absence […]. In our system today, the systematic imposition of a medical note on employees for every absence places a very heavy burden.

Alain Barre is an Associate Professor in the Department of Industrial Relations at Laval University

Quebec Solidair spokesman Gabriel Nade-Dubois on Tuesday condemned the situation by posting a memo on his Facebook page. “In other words: work 16 hours in a row and if you fall into a fight, try to see a doctor … or lose your salary,” he wrote.

His post has been aired a thousand times and has received over 400 comments. In an interview, the elected spokesman spoke of a “nonsensical” and “dangerous to the public” measure that contributes to “staff fatigue” and proves that TSO “is no longer an exception, but a simple task management”.

“If public health system managers want to encourage women working in public networks to work in employment agencies, they will not be able to perform better. It is this kind of practice that drives workers from the public network,” he lamented.