February 12, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Conservatives give themselves the right to vote on the leadership of their leader

Conservatives give themselves the right to vote on the leadership of their leader

The Conservative leader, who did not hide his desire to get a second chance, told himself that he was in favor of such a scenario empowered by the law he adopted in 2014.

The green light given by the Conservatives to this mechanism, as expected, does not mean that Mr. O’Toole will strictly abide by the confidence resolution of his colleagues, but the powers given to the Conservatives themselves make this process possible. Anytime.

As he did this morning, the Conservative leader, who has been in power in the party since August 2020, has proven that he can maintain the confidence of the majority of his members.

When asked about optimism about surviving his election defeat, he argued at a press conference when his predecessor Andrew Skier threw in a towel. Not very comparable.

Rejecting A Sword of Damocles, He stated a The process of mutual respect With his coup.

And while Mr. Trudeau has already lied in the first 10 days after the election, we should be ready to get more votes in the next election. I will constantly strive for this goal.

A quote from:Erin O’Toole, leader of the Conservative Party of Canada

When asked about the consequences of the Caucasus decision on his leadership, the official opposition leader assured and praised the unity of his forces. Important discussion They lasted for many hours at this first post-election meeting.

He recalled that he voted in favor of the 2014 law and voted against the leadership of his ancestors Stephen Harper and Andrew Scheer after the 2015 and 2019 election defeats.

Our alliance is united and we are ready to work again. […] This is to ensure that we are united as a Caucasus and focused on the fight for Canadians., He he said.

If the Caucasus does not try to oust Mr. O’Toole, Conservative supporters will be able to speak for themselves at the party’s next meeting, but do not expect that to happen until 2023.

Since the Trudeau government is in the minority, Canadian voters may then be called for re-election. Mr. O Tool is also an illustration raised. We have to be ready, He hit.

Induction a Session [parlementaire] Busy, He promised to keep The interests of Canadian families come first And catch Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Customizable In its decisions.

According to a law passed by MPs seven years ago, all parliamentary groups must make a decision on various issues until the next election. In short, the question is whether these decisions should be made by the leader or by the Caucus.

MPs must adopt the procedures for the expulsion and remission of an MP, the election and removal of their caucus chair and the review of leadership and the election of an interim leader.

In the latter case, at least 20% of Caucus members must formally request a leadership review to vote. If this limit is reached, the fate of the leader is determined by secret ballot.

If the Tories go ahead with the vote, a simple majority is needed for Mr. O’Toole to remain in office. Otherwise, the party will appoint an interim leader and he will begin the process of appointing a permanent successor to Mr. O’Toole.

Publicity autopsy

James Cumming.

James Cumming (pictured) The Liberal Randy Boisonalt stole his seat at the Edmonton Center.

Photo: Radio-Canada / Franకోois Jolly

Erin O’Toole announced that they would set up a committee Comprehensive testing The defeat of the Conservative forces in the September 20 poll ordered the assessment of both the strengths and weaknesses of the national conservative campaign.

A re-focus imposed on his party that did not give the expected results could probably be part of the results. As has been abundantly underlined since the election, this strategy has delighted some in the east of the country, but disappointed others, especially in the western provinces.

As a leader, I am responsible for what we achieve. I am also responsible for our failures with our plan for Canadians. And I take this responsibility seriously.

A quote from:Erin O’Toole, leader of the Conservative Party of Canada

He said to himself Decided to review every aspect of our campaign, Adding that he and his family Our party is ready for the next chapter and our struggle for the country.

Mr O’Toole said the losing Edmonton Center MP James Cumming would be appointed chairman of the review committee, which would be backed by the undeclared Cubeser. It will be Coming soon, Assured the conservative leader.

According to our sources, it serves as the right-hand man of Mr. Cumming, a former political lieutenant for Stephen Harper in Quebec Christian Paradise, a former MP for Megantic-ElArable.

The committee is expected to present its results by the end of this year, O’Toole said.

We were all disappointed at first, but we had to make sure we relied on the gains we made, to find out what we lost, He said in the morning.

Any team, any family will do the same when frustrated. You will learn from it, you came together and that is what we are going to do today.

“Man for the job”

Some of the details given by the delegates, at the departure of the Caucasus, indicated that there should be less of a hurricane meeting than 2019 when Andrew Scheer is the leader.

It was so different. In 2019, it was very aggressive, very angry. Despite the disappointment, the defeat, at the same time, we look forward to correcting what needs to be corrected and the next move is correct, Said Charlesburg-Hot-Saint-Charles MP Pierre Paul-Huss.

Honestly, it went well. People said what they had to say. It’s an exercise I lived in in 2015, I lived in 2019, and I want people to work together, to work together, Added his colleague Alain Royce, Member of Parliament for Richmond-Arthabasca.

When they came to the Caucasus meeting, almost all the Conservative MPs who talked about their leader’s leadership wanted Mr. O’Toole to be there for the next election.

To me, the choice is very clear. Erin is a man for a tool job. He will be the leader and lead us to victory from the next electionGerard Deltell, who was the party house leader when the House was dissolved.

Like Mr. O’Toole, he argued that the party had increased its support in areas such as Quebec and the Atlantic provinces, which would serve well for the next election.

Michael Chong made the same argument. Is it enough? Not clear. But in almost 20 rides, one percentage point difference allows us to get another 20 rides.

MPs Dominic Vian, Luke Berthold and Michelle Rimpel Garner all openly supported Erin O’Toole.

Alberta MP Shanna Stubbs was one of the few who refused to do the same, answering questions from reporters.

According to Globe and Mail, She did not come out in favor of a hasty departure from the Conservative leader, but requested that the party hold its next meeting within six months to get members to vote.

Mr Stubbs made it no secret that she was unhappy about the loss of three Alberton colleagues. Expected progress in the Greater Toronto area has not materialized and defeats have been recorded in the Vancouver area, she added.

Expected gains in Quebec also did not materialize.

Led by Erin O’Toole, the Conservative Party of Canada won 119 of the 338 seats, two less than Andrew Scheer in the 2019 federal election.

The second has Resigned Trudeau was his leader in less than two months after failing to overthrow the government. According to our information at the time, Mr. Scheer chose to bow after mentioning that he had failed to get a good result in the voting on his leadership to be held in April.