February 12, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Last Dual | Very good quality movie

Last Dual |  Very good quality movie

In 1386, the last legal battle in France was against his old friend Squire Jacques Le Gris over Knight Jean de Carrage. The horse then raped the wife, who refused to remain silent despite the attacker’s refusal and put his fate “in God’s hands”.

Mark-Andre Luzier

Mark-Andre Luzier

The success of Last dual (Last duel In the French version) primarily by cleverly constructing a story inspired by a true historical fact. By telling the same story from the perspective of three different characters, screenwriters Matt Damon, Ben Affleck and Nicole Holofsener had the opportunity to develop a much more complex plot than what appears at first glance.

This medieval court case – as well as its outcome – and the artists took a contemporary breath by trying to echo the values ​​of the time and its habits and customs. Echo in this epic fresco. In the third part, Margaret (Jodie Comer) wants to condemn her attack on a world where women’s voices are practically worthless in the eyes of the justice system, and we certainly see the #metoo movement. And must finally believe in the need for attack victims.

Ridley Scott was clearly at work, without any romantic motivation, to create this brutal image. Old driver, we are especially indebted Dulists, Gladiator And Kingdom of Heaven, Takes a classic approach to delivering a great movie presentation, with good quality, the end of which lies in this famous duel. It was also choreographed to evoke an inevitable, highly violent theme.

Matt Damon delivers a solid performance as Jean de Carriage in front of Adam Driver, despite the slightly disturbing helmet that seems to be inspired by the Longhuil cut, and his character who seems to be unable to pronounce La Frances’ name. Also mention Jodie Comer, whose character is very erased in the first two parts of the story, eventually taking on the whole weight of the story.

Inside the house

Last dual

Historical play

Last dual

Ridley Scott

With Matt Damon, Adam Driver, Jodie Comer



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